What Is a Funny Name When Someone Asks Who Are U

Twitter | @monicalewinsky

People Are Sharing Their Best Responses To The 'What's Your Name' Meme

Meeting new people and remembering their names can be hard.

However, one meme trend that has been doing the old internet rounds has had people throwing shade at the strange ways that others respond to their names during introductions.

It all starts with a relatively simple question...

Who would have thought that a question so seemingly banal would have the Twitter-verse falling over itself in glee at its new meme-y plaything?

However, the question "What's your name" does lead to some ridiculous conversations, whether it's the weird way people try to remember your name, or simply the miscommunications that occur.

Why are these memes so relatable?

Everyone has had an uncomfortable experience when being introduced to someone new — perhaps it was that time you were trying to yell your name over the thumping club music, and instead of calling you Paddy, people call you Matty from then on until it became too awkward to correct them.

What a terrible evening that was. Anyway, moving on!

So, Twitter users across the globe have been sharing the ridiculous things they often hear when introducing themselves.

For instance, when people insist on trying to shorten your name against your wishes. Look, Emily isn't that long a name, just say Emily you lazy a**!

Perhaps you're sick of being told your name is an old person's name.

I don't even think that Eugene is a name that sounds that old.

Or, when people try to figure out what your name is short for.

This one is particularly annoying when your name isn't short for anything else at all.

Monica Lewinsky's response received perhaps the most traction.

Surely people can't be this desperate to still reference Friends that they go to these lengths? The show wasn't even that funny... hides under desk to avoid maelstrom of abuse.

There were also those annoyed when people simply didn't believe their names were real.

Just because someone isn't called John, Paul, Sarah, Rachel, or something similarly "conventional," that doesn't mean their name isn't real.

Another common annoyance was people whose names featured prominently in songs.

I can imagine the Kaiser Chiefs get a lot of lovely letters from people called Ruby who are sick of hearing this.

Shoutout to all of the Stacys who suffer this joke on a daily basis.

I can imagine that there are a lot of people called Eileen that have suffered similar fates at the hands of Dexy's Midnight Runners.

There is also the classic one of being compared to someone's family pet.

I'm sure they loved their family pet, but being compared to a dog that you've never met is quite strange.

May our prayers be with this poor gentleman for his suffering.

This Adam went on to write that when he was growing up, there was an elderly man who would make this joke every week at church. Nothing makes a joke funnier than it being repeated countless times.

Oh, and of course, nothing is quite like being compared to an electric appliance.

Yep, I can't imagine how annoying it must be for all of those people being compared to an artificial person. That must be really rewarding!

There's also the thoughtful gesture of someone changing your name to make it easier for them.

It doesn't matter if it is easier for you or not, just learn how to pronounce someone's name.

It will literally take no time at all and is actually polite as opposed to being crushingly rude.

Some people's names are also so close to being nice.

I mean, how could you actually say this to someone? The mind boggles as to how some people go through life without losing more teeth.

And there's nothing quite like sharing your name with a popular video game character.

Who could really think that Yoshi is a turtle? He has a stretchy tongue and runs fast! What zoos have you been going to?

That one is also a street that goes two ways!

The two of them should start hanging round with one another if only just to put a stop to these terrible jokes! Actually, that would probably make things worse, really.

That's not how it works.

At least these people tried. Kind of.

So Close.

Part of me is starting to think that when people ask a question, they really don't listen well enough to actually hear the answer.

Mary Had A Little Anne

Just listen to what she says. My God.

The Worst Of Both Worlds

I mean, at least they got the name right?

There's always a TV character, isn't there?

I feel this one deep in my bones.

Walk Walk Fashion Baby

This one cracks the surface of the even worse experience: having to tell someone your first and last name.

We All Fall Down

This one isn't even that uncommon of a name!


I don't know Ashley, why did your mom pick your name?

So Original

If this woman had a dollar for every time this exchange has happened, she'd be one rich and frustrated mother trucker.

Sugar, Oh Honey Honey

Can a name just be a name one time?

Maybe your name is an unavoidable reference to the '90s.

People from the '90s are unable to let a good '90s reference go by without highlighting it for everyone.

Everyone also loves being compared to a vegetable.

Now, I love kale, but I don't think I'd want to be compared to it every time I was introduced to someone. I imagine they can't even look at curly kale anymore.

Sometimes people are so close, yet so far.

I mean, at least a Robin is quite a pleasant bird to be compared to. I dread to think how many times they get forms sent to them with the wrong spelling on though.

Do you suffer any similar instances with your name? Let me know if so, and hopefully, this will make you rethink that "hilarious" joke next time someone introduces themself to you!

h/t: Someecards


Source: https://diply.com/105566/people-are-sharing-their-best-responses-to-the-whats-your-name-

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